Pregnancy and Postpartum Care

Women in pregnancy and postpartum go through many changes with their bodies.  More often than not women are unsure how to navigate these changes especially when it comes to exercising safely and what to do when they experience pain, heaviness, leaking, abdominal separation, etc.  During pregnancy, women often here that they need to do kegals to keep their pelvic floor healthy and strong, but this isn’t always the case! At 6 weeks postpartum, women are often told that they are cleared for exercise but end up returning to activity too soon, leading to injury. We want women to feel empowered and not be fearful of hurting themselves on their journey back to enjoying the things they love! If you are experiencing any symptoms, we just want you to know that this is common, you are not alone, and we are here to help!

  • Are you pregnant and want to start exercising or unsure how to continue exercise safely through each trimester?

  • Are you postpartum (whether you are 1 yr, 5 yr, 10 yr and beyond) wanting to start exercising and/or returning to exercise and unsure where to start?

  • Have pain associated with pregnancy or postpartum?

  • Do you have abdominal separation (diastisis recti) and want to exercise safely?

  • Do you have leaking with sneezing, jumping, running, and want to learn how to manage symptoms with everyday functional activities and/or with exercise?

Dr. Katie utilizes a whole body movement assessment approach analyzing posture, breathing, and body mechanics during functional movement to help you!  She can work with your internal pelvic floor therapist to continue teaching you strategies that manage your symptoms as well as help bridge the gap between rehab and fitness! 

I am here to help!

Working with Dr. Katie

In 2018, I was pregnant with my first child.  Prior to my pregnancy, I had been doing Crossfit consistently for two years along with pilates and barre off/on for many years.  In my mind I thought, “I’ve got this whole pregnancy thing, I’ve been active my whole life participating in various sports and styles of workouts, I can make small modifications as I go and everything will go smoothly.”  Boy, was I wrong!  Throughout most of my pregnancy, I developed SPD (symphysis pubic dysfunction), SIJ pain (sacroiliac joint), and pelvic floor tightness.  I had difficulty with everyday tasks including walking, dressing, going up/down stairs, and getting in/out of the bed and car.  During this time, I started seeing a pelvic floor therapist and began educating myself on ways to help alleviate my pain.  In the process, I began to develop a passion for wanting to help other women going through similar experiences during pregnancy and postpartum.  I became a pregnancy and postpartum corrective exercise specialist.  This specialization helped me build a better understanding of common pregnant and postpartum dysfunctions and corrective exercises to help manage/alleviate so as to return women to a pain free, healthy lifestyle!

Try Our Programs

Dr. Katie will provide you with a postpartum and/or pregnancy program specific to your needs that guides you through safe exercises, progressing from proper breathing for pelvic floor healing, mobility work, posture training and strengthening to adding intensity to help you meet the demands of mom life and return to the activities you love!

If more help is needed to navigate this program, don’t hesitate to book a consultation today!



“Postpartum is a quest back to yourself. Alone in your body again. You will never be the same, you are stronger than you were.”

-Amethyst Joy